I don’t watch too many TV series at once, my husband is chief at that. Lol! not that I wouldn’t like to, I just don’t enjoy the hassle of keeping up with so many of them at once. However, there are TV series we never get tired of watching. I have fallen in love with them and addicted right now. Thanks to my husband.
Watching TV series with your spouse, siblings or friends is such a lovely way to bond and have fun; from the looks we give each other when something unbelievable happens, to the laughter we share, makes it all enjoyable. Vinny and I have some favourites we watch non stop that I would like to share with you.
Below are Tv series we never get tired of watching especially on our weekends
Modern Family

This is the first TV series we never get tired of watching. From the Dunphys, to the Pritchetts and then to Cameron and Mitchell, I am not sure which ones intrigue us the most but its laughter all the way and I love a good comedy series. We love how relatable it is.
Sometimes we go back to season one just to see how tiny the kids used to be before they grew up, like they were our kids and we miss their childhood. Lol! Now in the later seasons, they’ve all become young men and women. Funny how we have the same reactions after going back to watch an episode we previously watched, It never gets old. I will say its definitely one of our best, and we will most likely be watching it tonight. Lol!

If you grew up in the 90s then you definitely share in our love for this series. We find it so funny and exhilarating that we made it part of our Saturday morning routine, at least that’s when I think we watch it the most. So after our Morning walks and workout routines, we settle down and watch Friends while having breakfast.
The main characters Ross, Rachel, Phoebe, Monica, Joey, and Chandler constantly keep us entertained. One of my best episodes was the Manny episode, Ross couldn’t get over the “Male Nanny” that Rachel hired. I laugh the same every time I go back to watch it, I never get tired of it.

Vinny was obsessed with suits, so it only took me watching it for the first time to become obsessed too. I can’t say I have finished watching all the seasons but we watch it a lot
The only issue I have with Suits is that there is always a temptation to watch it all day without getting anything done, because of the need to know what will happen next. An advocate for laziness I must say lol! The series begins with Mike Ross, who starts working as a law associate for Harvey Specter despite never having attended law school, a role he stumbled on by chance. Mike and Harvey became a force. I bet lawyers will love this.
The Kominsky method

This is the latest addition to our series collection. While it might not be everyone’s popular choice of TV series, it is one of the ones we really enjoy. We love the wittiness and sarcasm of the old men. It’s a series a lot of old people will relate with as it’s centred around older people but hey! we love and enjoy every bit of it.
Michael Douglas and Alan Arkin will keep you laughing non stop whilst bringing to light the challenges older people face, friendships, etc. It’s funny, warm, and relatable too.
It’s a Netflix original and they’ve done three seasons. It’s been an interesting three years so far and we hope they continue for a while.
There are many other series we watch, Vinny has a ton of them on his list which I obviously can’t keep up with. I have one or two others I watch though. Lol!
All the series mentioned above are available on Netflix.
If you enjoy any of the TV series above, please share your experience in the comment section. It will also be nice to get some recommendations from you!
Mo A.A.
August 21, 2021 at 9:54 amHmm… nice list. Will certainly look out for some of these. I loved Suits for the most parts, binged on it all the was to season 6. But it eventually got too much for us (hubby and I).
New Amsterdam is another series we loved. Seasons 1 and 2 are great. I think we’ve seen a few episodes of season 3, but they haven’t drawn me in like the first 2 seasons.
Etemi Vincent-Okeke
August 25, 2021 at 7:11 amNice! I am yet to finish Suits. My husband watches New Amsterdam, I only caught up on a few episodes with him and that was it. Lol!
August 27, 2021 at 3:19 pmI see you Ete… lovely picture… loll well done on the write though not my type of series. I am more into crime and historical series… I recommend ‘unforgotten’ and ‘the last kingdom’ both on Netflix
Etemi Vincent-Okeke
August 30, 2021 at 11:08 pmThank you Oseme, it was a struggle to get a good shot. lol! I will check out the series you recommended. Thank you