
Book Review: Secret Lives of Baba Segi’s Wives

A well- written novel, extremely captivating and exhilarating. The story was well documented, chapter by chapter keeps you intrigued, waiting to know what happens next. I enjoyed the emotional roller coasters; one moment you’re laughing and the next moment you feel sad.

 I found the writer’s narrative technique absolutely brilliant. The characters were given a chance to express themselves without holding back. This helped the story develop naturally and eventually come together to a befitting end. Her descriptive writing was so impeccable that you could see the exact picture of what she was describing.

The story evolved around a wealthy man called Baba Segi, who had four wives. The arrival of the fourth wife, Bolanle to the Alao family was what roused the beginning of what eventually ended as a tragedy, revealed long time secrets, and finally a resolution that everyone could live with.

Each character’s story is relatable, their journey from where they started to how they ended up at Baba Segi’s home all flowed perfectly well. I did wonder if Faruku’s story dragged a little and how it connected to what Taju ended up doing with his life. Having said that, it did not take away from the storyline. I enjoyed reading this book and will give it a 5 star for good storytelling and extremely good descriptive writing. There wasn’t a dull moment. I will recommend this book. Very entertaining.

It’s no wonder Mo Abudu, in partnership with Netflix is developing a series adaptation of the novel. I have seen the stage play too, and it was amazing. I hope the TV series will deliver the same. Fingers crossed!!!


  • VO
    June 21, 2020 at 5:48 pm

    I totally agree it was a brilliantly written novel. A good mixture of emotions.

    • Etemi Vincent-Okeke
      June 22, 2020 at 2:00 am

      Yes it was!!!


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