Starting a self-care and nutrition journey can be challenging, especially if you’ve been through it repeatedly. I must admit that it has been a particularly exhausting one for me. Those who know me well will notice that my diet fluctuates; one day I’ve lost weight, and the next day I’m three times the size you last saw me. The struggle appears to be never-ending. However, I’ve decided to take a different approach. It’s not perfect right now, but I’m getting there.
What is Self-Care?
According to the World Health Organisation, ‘self-care is the ability of individuals, families and communities to promote their own health, prevent disease, maintain health, and to cope with illness and disability with or without the support of a health worker.’
What I like about this definition is the emphasis on individuals’ nutrition and self-care journeys. I believe we are being encouraged to practice good nutrition, physical fitness, hygiene, rest, and maintain positive relationships. It encompasses all the actions a person can do to handle stressors in their life and look after their health and well-being.
The quality of your diet affects the quality of your life. So, eating healthy matters.

Why Nutrition is Important to Self-Care.
“You are what you eat.”
This quote used to be meaningless to me until I finally experienced it. Whether you eat healthy meals regularly or choose to binge on junk food, your diet will have an impact on you. It is up to you to decide which one is best. We often think of self-care in terms of spa treatments, travel, or the “soft” life, but what goes into your body is a vital part of your self-care and nutrition journey.
What is Nutrition?
Nutrition is the process of giving our bodies the food and nourishment required daily for health and well-being. These include fibre, protein, healthy fats, and complex carbohydrates. We need these foods in a balanced diet.
Be mindful of what you eat to maintain good gut health because it affects how you feel. This action will help you on your self-care and nutrition journey.
It all comes down to balance. Finding that balance hasn’t been easy, but I’m making steady progress toward bettering my health and well-being. I hope you can learn something from my journey.

Food and Diet
My struggle with eating healthy was awkward at first. I’d go on drastic diets, lose a lot of weight, and then the calories would come back in style- twice as much. That bothered me very much, so I decided to alter my approach. I’ve started doing the following things:
- Eating foods I enjoy but in Moderation: This has greatly aided my self-care and nutrition journey because I no longer have to forego the foods I enjoy the most. I realised that I craved them much more after a strict diet, which always caused me to gain weight. Now all I have to do is reduce my portions. I still stumble now and then, but hey! That is why it is called a journey.
- Eating Regularly during the day: We hear this often but sometimes fall into the trap of wanting to starve for most of the day to lose more weight. But eating small amounts of healthy foods throughout the day keeps you full and alerts your brain that you have eaten. I find myself eating less when I adopt this method. It prevents overeating and regulates your blood sugar. Fruits and nuts are great snacks to have. Also, eating loads of salads increase your nutritional value and keeps the body healthy.
- Drinking a lot of Water: Water helps to reduce the temptation to overeat. I’ve noticed that drinking water after a meal makes me want to eat less. Water also keeps us hydrated, is good for our kidneys, aids digestion, and improves the health and clarity of our skin. To avoid dehydration, I drink as much water as possible throughout the day and take my vitamins to boost my energy.
Physical Activities- Developing an Exercise Routine
Eating healthy is just one component of the self-care and nutrition journey to wellness. You must combine it with other activities such as exercise!
The significance of exercise cannot be overemphasised. Contrary to popular belief, eating healthy and staying fit isn’t just for people who want to lose weight, but for everyone. Exercise is both a source of energy and a form of therapy. When I exercise, I’m at my healthiest. We are fit and energetic when our bodies are active.
I’ve benefited from exercise in many ways. After working out, my breathing improves, and I feel lighter. Whether it is HIIT (high-intensity interval training) workouts or light exercises like walking, every action counts. You can use one of the numerous fitness apps online, hit the gym or hire a trainer. Make sure to do what works for you.

Rest and Sleep
A vital part of good health and self-care is getting enough rest and sleep. For a while, my sleeping routine was a disaster; I’d find myself staying up late for no apparent reason, and instead of going to bed, my eyes would be glued to social media, scrolling through handles that added no value to me. This habit always resulted in poor productivity the following day and missed morning routines. I’m sleeping better now.
Surround Yourself with Like-Minded People
Be deliberate about the people you allow into your space. The people closest to you should be caring and supportive, but most importantly, they should be positive. You don’t want to be around people who are constantly negative and exhausting because we absorb the energy of those with whom we spend the most time. I discovered that the older I got, the less tolerant I was of negativity.
I learnt to create boundaries. Boundaries are physical, emotional, or psychological walls that separate you from others. Sometimes, setting boundaries can be a struggle, but they are essential to any self-care journey.
Make time for the people in your life, especially your family and friends you care about, as healthy relationships are a crucial part of our health and self-care journey. Engage in activities you can enjoy with them, such as a night out, a movie date, game night, dinner dates, brunches, or even that long phone call to your mom.
Another significant aspect of my journey toward self-care is my spirituality. I would define it as a practice people engage in to promote personal development, growth, and well-being. My spirituality is linked to my Christian faith. I’ve discovered that spending time in God’s presence and worshipping Him brings me joy, peace, purpose, hope, and a greater sense of meaning.
You can learn more about yourself and find your purpose by participating in activities that feed your spirit. Meditating, reflecting, connecting with God, or finding ways to interact with nature are all excellent ways to practice spiritual self-care.
Don’t Rush the Process-Find what works for you
Finally, whether you are contemplating embarking on your journey or are already there, Do what works for you. I know people will tell you what they think is best for you, and that’s fine. However, they do not know your body as well as you do, so experiment with different things until you find what works for you.
As I previously stated, my struggle with eating healthy is far from over. My biggest challenges would be portion control and meal preparation. I’m also obsessed with popcorn, which is a little concerning. I am working on it. LOL!
If you are anything like me, your mind is probably programmed to think that December is a time to eat as much as you want because it’s Christmas. I have been sitting at this table for too long, but not anymore. It’s time to move! I would let you know how it goes this Christmas.
Wishing you the best in your journey.
Let me know how it goes. I will keep you posted on mine!
Vivian Ayibuofu-Uwandi
December 15, 2022 at 2:41 pmWell done Etemi
Etemi Vincent-Okeke
December 16, 2022 at 7:32 amThank you Vivian.x
Oseme Thomas
December 20, 2022 at 5:41 amWow this is loaded with different tips and it’s very well rounded article . It’s so important to be aware of how nutrition affects us and that is part of self care as well. For those of us that have had interesting journeys with weight and dieting we need constant reminders like these. Well done Etemi!!!!
Etemi Vincent-Okeke
December 20, 2022 at 8:37 pmThank you Oseme. we sure need to be aware and make the necessary efforts to stay healthy.