Having house plants is not a new thing, it is a practice that has been with us for years. However, a lot more people are embracing it these days, and making it part of their home decor, and growing their own natural herbs. I think Covid19 might have added a little boost to the house plant trend as people bought plants a lot last year during the lock down.
Today we will be chatting with Lara, a plant lover, about house plants and some of their benefits.
What are the best house plants to get started with?
1. The Snake Plant

This plant can survive in almost any light situation, from bright direct sunlight to low light. It is perfect as a first plant as it can survive almost anywhere you place it and requires minimal watering. It is a striking plant with its typical long leaves and is a good accessory to any home decor style. There are many variations ranging from small succulent-like sizes to tall 4 foot ‘blades’. Different species have colours ranging from very pale green (almost silvery) to very dark green with variegations that include yellow.
2. Pothos

The pothos is an easy care houseplant that gives a ‘jungle feel’ due to its hanging vines which can be displayed in various ways. It is easy to propagate and is very satisfying to care for as it grows quickly. There are several varieties which range in colour from a variegation of white and yellow to varying shades of green. Examples include: golden pothos, neon pothos, marbe queen pothos, Njoy and Jade
3. Zz Plant

‘Zamioculcas Zamiiofolia’ is a great beginner plant as it will survive if the owner forgets to water it for long periods. This is a double edged sword as over watering also kills the plant! However, it is low maintenance and can tolerate low light.
What’s your favourite plant and why?
This is like being asked to pick a favourite child!
I love the Pencil Cactus, It looks like a miniature leafless tree.
Lucky bamboo because you just put the stalks in water and that’s pretty much it, change the water periodically and they should be fine.
and Monstera Deliciosa because I love seeing the new leaves unfurl.
The Yukka is like having a little tree in my living room!
Pencil Cactus Yucca Plant Lucky Bamboo Monstera Deliciosa
When should I water house plants?
Plants should be watered in the morning, until water runs out of the drainage holes at the bottom. All plant pots should have drainage holes.
They can be placed into cache pots for aesthetics after the excess water has stopped running out.
The frequency of watering depends on the type of plant and the size of the container it’s in. Some plants require watering every day while others are fine with a couple of times a month. Large pots typically contain more soil which retains more moisture, so may require less frequent watering than the same plant in a small pot which will dry out quicker.
I suggest enquiring from where you purchase the plant for the optimal watering schedule for that particular plant.
What steps do I take to start indoor gardening?
Start slow. Buy one or two plants to start and see how you feel caring for them.

Why are indoor plants becoming more popular?
I think people are more aware of how relaxing and welcoming they make the home and how they can be styled in so many different ways to enhance the ambience and aesthetics of a home.
People say having plants around helps provide more oxygen and other health benefits, is this true? if yes, what are the health benefits?
Yes plants use up carbon dioxide for photosynthesis and release oxygen which is beneficial for our health. I find gardening/plant care to be relaxing and very calming. It is similar to having a loving pet.

What are the ridiculous myths you have heard about having plants at home?
That plants can survive without light.
Some plants can tolerate low light conditions but they will not thrive and will definitely die without any light. Grow lights can be used in parts of the home that don’t receive a lot of sunlight.
Do these plants come handy for you while cooking? If yes, which ones and how do you use them?
Fresh herbs definitely come in handy while cooking. I like rosemary for any dish that includes meat, parsley goes with almost everything and mint leaves are great in many homemade cocktails.
Thank you Lara for sharing with us.
Are you a plant lover? Do you plan to have house plants? Tell us your thoughts in the comment section.
October 1, 2021 at 1:35 pmInteresting read. I’ve got two glass jars of water plants I’m nursing and it’s quite a delight watching them grow and bend towards light in a very sneaky funny way.
Caring is as simple as regular water change and ‘plant birth’ (positioning them under gentle running water). Very therapeutic with a sense of responsibility.
Etemi Vincent-Okeke
October 4, 2021 at 6:41 amNice! love how you study them. I can imagine they are really therapeutic. I look forward to having them in my space
Bolaji Keem-Salami
October 1, 2021 at 3:33 pmInterestingly, I’m not a plant lover, but I find the read fascinating. Looks like I’m adding this to one of my bucket list. Thanks
Etemi Vincent-Okeke
October 4, 2021 at 6:39 amYes you should. Its been on my bucket list too but In haven’t bought any yet
October 11, 2021 at 9:21 amDefinitely love plants…interesting read
Etemi Vincent-Okeke
October 11, 2021 at 3:39 pmOh nice. I hope to buy some too, I find them calming